In Numerology, the collective enters a Universal Year each January 1. These UniversalYears are in nine year cycles, and on January 1, 2025, we entered the last year in thiscycle. (Don't worry--it'll re-start as a new nine year cycle in 2026.)
In a 9 Year, the focus is on letting go of the old to make room for the new. In an 8Year--which we were in for all of 2024--foundations that were weak, built on outdated ideas, or created with less-than-noble intentions started to crumble. The 8 Year crumbling typically results in unrest, protests, old systems being questioned and/or failing, and so on. Sound like anything the world went through in 2024?
In a 9 Year, whatever hasn't completely fallen (that was meant to, due to an unstable foundation) the previous year meets its demise. That can be systems, governments, businesses, types of currency, schools of thought, you name it. It's about the collective letting go of what no longer serves us (or what never really did).
The number 9 is also about humanitarian efforts and compassion, which I find to be a very positive thing for the world in 2025. There will still be wars, disasters, and traumatic events, but in a Universal 9 Year, there's a focus on helping our fellow humans get through the hard times. It wouldn't surprise me if we hear more than usual about nonprofits, charitable giving, and volunteering this year. This is a great wave to ride, as helping others is truly part of why we're all here.
At its core, 9 is a more gentle energy than 8. However, endings and transitions are hard for many people to process, so this year may feel chaotic for the collective. But when we're talking about the endings of organizations and programs that don't do what they're supposed to, financial systems that benefit only a small minority of people, and governments that cause more harm than good, is going through some potential (and honestly, likely) chaos worth it?
For readers and energy workers, being aware of the energies of the Universal 9 Year can give you an understanding of the types of themes you may encounter in sessions with clients this year. And for witches and other occultists, being aware of the energies of the Universal 9 Year can you help tap into and harness some of those energies in workings.
The Universal Year is felt by us on a collective level, but we're all also in a new Personal Year in 2025. That impacts our personal lives (hence the name). To figure out what personal Year you’re in this year, add your month and the day you were born on to the number 9, then reduce it to a single digit. For example, if you were born on July 7, you’d add 7 + 9 + 9, which equals 25. 2 + 5 = 7, so 7 would be the Personal Year you’re in in 2025. It’s ideal to have a full Numerology report or reading to understand how other numbers in your chart play off your Personal Year Number, so you can know how to best navigate the year.
Will 2025 be a bumpy ride for the collective? It sure seems like it. Change can bedifficult, and challenging times can cause a roller coaster of emotions. I’ve personally been reminding myself that even if the outside world seems to be off its collective rocker, I still have control over my inner world, what I manifest, and how I react.
In 2026, we’ll be entering a Universal 1 Year. 1 Years are all about the new, and for the collective, that could mean new types of governments or new leaders, new healthcare infrastructure, new educational systems, new types of currency, new environmental policies, etc. There is so much good that can come in in a 1 Year, but to make room for it, we as the collective first need to let go of the old.
Hopefully being aware of the Universal 9 Year is helpful in your personal life, professional life, and magical life. Happy 9 Year! ✨