ARTICLE ONE: Name and Purpose
The name of this religious organization shall be Pagan Alliance of the Lowcountry, Incorporated. It may be referred to as the Alliance, the Organization, or the Church and for purposes of the Constitution and Bylaws may also be referred to as PAL henceforth.The purpose of PAL shall be that set down in Article Three of the Alliance’s Constitution.
ARTICLE TWO: Government
The government of the Alliance shall be vested in the Board of Directors (referred to hereafter as the Board, the BOD, the Officers or the Directors).
The Alliance is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical authority. The Board shall act in overseeing the affairs of the Alliance, and officiating in cases of dispute.
The Board shall consist of at least three and no more than thirteen people, all of whom must be Members in good standing in the Alliance, have served no less than 3 months as a moderator volunteer, be of no less than eighteen years of age, pass a background screening, and capable of travel to the Alliance’s various lowcountry meeting places for regular meetings and meet via Zoom for online meetings.
The Board shall maintain no less than 3 officer positions of President, Treasurer, and Secretary at all times. Names, titles, and contact information for all Directors shall be published. Directors may be either Officers, or Board Elected Board Members. All officers shall be seated on the Board. Officers and Board Elected Board Members will not receive compensation for their services as directed by a resolution of the Board that all positions are volunteer based.
With the exception of the first Board whose first term is without limit until the IRS filing for Church and or Religious Organization or 501(c)3 status is complete and approved, then shall commence to 1 year. Officers shall be appointed to serve a 1-year term their first term, subject to a vote of reappointment by a minimum of ¾ of the Board, to serve a 2 year term thereafter. No term limits exist for such positions. After a Board vote of nomination for a first term, each Nominated Director will serve a trial period of 3 months at which time at its completion a confirmation vote of appointment will be held by ¾ vote. If the motion fails to confirm an Officer, the Board may vote to extend the trial period by no more than 3 additional months. If a confirmation vote fails to pass, the Directors term is completed.
If the Board deems it necessary and agrees unanimously, they may at their discretion create seats for Board Elected Board Members and fix the duration of terms for the same.
Board Elected Board Members must be eligible for Board membership as set out above. The powers of Elected Board Members shall be equal to those of Officers except that they may not vote to create or remove seats for Board Members. Elections for Elected Board Members will be managed, executed, voted, and appointed by the Board.
In the event that an Officer or Board-Elected Member fails to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, or Code of Ethics of the Alliance, the President shall call a special meeting of the Board to discuss the case and subsequent action. The Board Member in question may either be placed on probation for a period of time to be determined by the Board, or be removed from the Board entirely. If placed on probation, the Board Member in question must give ample evidence that she/he has chosen to act in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics of the Alliance by the end of the probationary period. At the end of the probationary period, the Board shall meet to determine whether the terms of the probation have been satisfied, and may choose to reinstate the Board Member or dismiss the same from the Board decided by a ¾ vote of the board.
An Officer wishing to retire or resign from the Board must give at least 30 days notice to the President. At a special meeting called for this purpose, the Board shall decide whether or not to fill the vacant position. If the Board would fall under the minimum of three Board Members by failing to fill the position, then the position must be filled. An Elected Board Member wishing to retire or resign must give at least 30 days notice to the President. At a special meeting called for this purpose, the Board shall decide whether or not to fill the vacant position and if so shall conduct a new election. The Board shall decide at that time whether the election will be merely to fulfill the former Elected Board Member’s term, or to complete a full term.
Any Officer may be removed or replaced by a unanimous vote of the Board at a special meeting called for this purpose.
All Board Members shall attend all regular and special Board meetings, or give a proxy in writing such as an email to another Board Member or Board Elected Board Member.
Proxy votes must be on record with the Board prior to the meeting.
The Alliance shall maintain bank accounts as needed and require 4 signers on said accounts, and any checks or drafts must be signed by the President, Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary. All financial accounts may be accessed by the President, the Vice President, The Treasurer, and the Secretary.
All other Directors who hold, or seek to hold access to financial funds via a debit card, must be approved by the Board by a ¾ vote.
Any contracts or other legally-binding instruments must be signed by the President or Vice-President, or someone designated in writing by the President or Vice-President to do so such as the Secretary or the Treasurer.
The Officers also known as Directors and their duties shall be:President: For the purposes of this document may also be referred to as Chair. The President shall serve in this capacity with the exception of the first board: First term of 1 year, followed by a vote of reappointment by the Board for a 2 year term. No term limits exist for reappointments to 2 year terms. The President shall call to order and conduct all meetings of the Alliance, and shall preside in all official matters of the Alliance. At such time should the Alliance deem to ordain its own ministers, the President shall be one who will be qualified to be ordained as an Alliance Minister and appointed by the board to serve in such a capacity.
Vice-President: For the purposes of this document may also be referred to as Vice-Chair. The Vice-President shall serve in this capacity with the exception of the first board: First term of 1 year, followed by a vote of reappointment by the Board for a 2 year term. No term limits exist for reappointments to 2 year terms In the event that the President is unavailable, the Vice-President shall preside as President temporarily. In the event that the President is incapacitated or has deceased, the Vice-President shall be President throughout the remainder of the term of the President. At that time, the Board shall appoint a President for a new initial 1-year term, followed by additional 2 year terms through Board vote and appointment. In the event that the Vice-President has become President, or is incapacitated or has deceased, the Board shall appoint a new Vice-President to complete the term. The Vice-President shall assist the President in running meetings and conducting official business of the Alliance. At such time should the Alliance deem to ordain its own ministers, the Vice-President shall be one who will be qualified to be ordained as an Alliance Minister and appointed by the board to serve in such a capacity.
Secretary and Under Secretary: Shall be appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity with the exception of the first board: First term of 1 year, followed by a vote of reappointment by the Board for a 2 year term. No term limits exist for reappointments to 2 year terms. The Secretary shall keep records of meetings, carry out correspondence of the Church, and perform other duties designated by the Board. In the absence of the Secretary, or by agreement with the Secretary, the Under Secretary shall perform these duties as outlined above.
Treasurer and Co-Treasurer: Shall be appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity with the exception of the first board: First term of 1 year, followed by a vote of reappointment by the Board for a 2 year term. No term limits exist for reappointments to 2 year terms The Treasurer shall keep track of Alliance monies and speak to Alliance financial matters at Alliance business meetings. In the absence of the Treasurer, or by agreement with the Treasurer, the Co-Treasurer shall perform these duties as outlined above.
ARTICLE FOUR: Moderator Volunteers
The Moderator Volunteers (referred to hereafter as the Mods) shall be governed by the Moderator Roles and Responsibilities as directed by a resolution of the Board, and shall be made accessible upon request at the Boards discretion.
ARTICLE FIVE: Membership
The Board shall set out requirements for Alliance Membership, and designate a Membership Committee to review, approve, and maintain Membership requests. If questions arise about a Member’s conduct, the Board is empowered to conduct an inquiry and adjudicate accordingly to the Alliance rules set forth by the Board.
Alliance members must be no less than 16 years of age unless attended and consented by a legal guardian or parent.
The Rules shall be published.
ARTICLE SIX: Ministers
To be determined at such a time at the Board's discretion.
An Annual Meeting shall be held on or near the first week of November as part of the Samhain Campout, or other designated Samhain festivals or activities.
All Officers and Members shall be notified of the day, time and location of the Annual Meeting at least two weeks in advance.
All Officers shall be present or have designated a proxy in writing such as email.
All Members in good standing, as described in Article Five, are entitled to voice their concerns, or suggestions on all matters to be voted on by the Board.
Special Meetings may be called at the request of any Director, and shall be held at a time, date and location agreeable to all. All Directors shall be notified in advance of any special meeting, and all rules of a Standard Meeting shall apply.
Records of all Annual Meetings and Board meetings shall be kept by the Alliance Secretary or the Alliance Under Secretary. Evidence of these meetings shall be stated in resolutions and minutes kept by the Alliance Secretary, and must be made available to Directors and Alliance Members upon request in a timely fashion.
ARTICLE EIGHT: Financial Assessments
The Alliance shall have at their discretion, the power to assess its Membership for support of the Alliance by the following methods:
ARTICLE NINE: Religious Preservation
The religious safeguarding of the Alliance's Creed, Constitution, Purpose, and Mission shall not be subject to review.
ARTICLE TEN: Amendments
These Bylaws may be altered or amended by a ¾ vote of the Board. In addition, the Alliance’s Constitution may be altered or amended by a ¾ vote of the Board.
A current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be filed in the Federal IRS Corporate records as well as with the State of South Carolina’s Secretary of State, or as required by law, and shall be published for the benefit of Alliance Members and other interested parties.