Directory of Pagan Officiants

You may contact these members on PAL's social media 

This is a list of local members who are able to provide various services: 

If they do not provide contact information you may seek them out on PAL's social media platform via FaceBook.

Amanda Finch: Ordained Minister and Notary Public in South Carolina. Happy to help, open and respectful to all beliefs. 

Austin Amos: Ordained 

Billie Law: Ordained and able to assist with handfasting ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies,  house blessings, negative cleansings and more. Prices vary by local or travel.

Brenda Hinton: Pagan Ceremony and LGBTQ, Fees depend on size of event and what it entails, serving Lowcountry and Orangeburg Area. 
Brent Gorman: Jarl of The Children of Geri and Freki Kindred.  Norse Pagan, Weddings/handfasting’s, $100.00 fee for Lowcountry, $250.00 for any further travel.  

Carmen Young: Ordained. Weddings, baby blessings, funerals, house blessings/clearings. Crystal grids for home, property or business. Charleston Area, and will travel one hour outside of Charleston. Pricing will be discussed in a conversation and details of the ceremony. 

Deb Soda: Ordained Reverend and 3rd degree Wiccan High Priestess. Wiccaning/Baby Blessing, Coming of age, Handfasting, and Land blessing services. Additional services depending on need and circumstance. Obtaining notary. Prefers intimate ceremonies. Travel is limited to the Lowcountry. Sliding scale pricing depending on circumstance and discovered during the interview and counseling session. 

Doug Laflin: Norse Pagan, Heathen weddings,  Notary Public.  

Ethel Iris Stephans: Eclectic Pagan, Notary Public, Ordained Clergy, 3rd Degree High Priestess, can do legal weddings in SC. Willing to do non legal weddings in surrounding states. Open to any path. Weddings, handfasting, memorials, funerals, baby blessings, wiccaning’s, and rituals. Including healing, house/land cleansing and blessings. Twilight Realm’s Circle is open for all events, whether I am performing ceremonies or not. Can provide DJ services for any event. Portable sound equipment to “mic up” so larger crowds can hear the vows. Prices are case by case. Can work with all budgets. Charites, good causes, and family/friends get discounted prices.  

Jesse Duk: Wanderer, Norse Pagan. All Pagan wedding, Viking Weddings, hand fasting, horn ceremonies, sword exchange and vowel exchange. Fee varies on travel.  

Julie Rae Bennett: Ordained, Witchcraft (not Wicca) or Non-Denominational. Does any kind of transitional rituals including handfasting, end of life rituals, naming, coming of age, divorce, anything that counts as leaving one phase of life and beginning another. Fees are case by case, Charleston area. 

Leah Minca: Ordained Interfaith Minister and notary public of SC. I can perform any legal ceremonies for any faith allowing female clergy. Prices are a case-by-case basis and most often are by donation/tip only. Willing to travel the state with enough time to plan. 

Mela Borawski: Rev. Mela Borawski of Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship. Does all rites of passages including (but not limited too) weddings, handfasting’s, baby blessings, first moons, divorce rituals, and cronings/eldering’s. LGBTQ & Polyamory friendly also does land clearings and home blessings. Based in midlands willing to travel, donation based $150.00 minimum suggested and gas expenses for outside of Lexington area.

Tara Dockman (Dill): Volva, acting Gythia for Web of Wyrd, Norse Pagan. I do handfasting, weddings, baby naming, funerals along with other ceremonies. I service Lowcountry and I am willing to drive for an extra fee. So, I work with a sliding scale pricing. I require a counseling session before I decide to perform what you need. If you need me for more time that can be discussed. I also do spiritual counseling, Seidr/Spa work to name a few. Home blessing/cleansing, paranormal investigating to learn more about these services reach out. (Can do Druid Ceremonies Member of OBOD)